Olo my friends! Just a small update in the whirlwind of excitement that is my life. Sorry I haven't posted much, work has been dominating much of my time (and playing Elder Scrolls:Oblivion, Mortal Kombat, and to a lesser degree my old favorite....Pokemon Yellow), as well as a general lag of music requests from my few friends and associates who need such things from time to time. I've got a few projects close to finished waiting for that last little touch, so I hope to have those up by next week.
Sadly I'm still making do with my Magix software. I dabbled with EW Symphonic Orchestra for a time, but it's seriously complex to just dive into and figure out. I'm reading manuals and tutorials like crazy trying to figure everything out. So it'll be a while still before I feel confident with those more advanced music software programs. Until then I'll have to be satisfied cutting loops as well as I can. Anyways, If you're here reading this, go vote up some of my songs! It's been a while and they need it.